ABBS Goes Green with Massive Solar Panel Installation

ABBS Goes Green with Massive Solar Panel Installation

ABBS Goes Green with Massive Solar Panel Installation

ABBS Goes Green with Massive Solar Panel Installation

In recent years, there has been a global initiative centered on green energy practices. To contribute to this cause, Acharya Bangalore B-School has given their roofs a 200kW solar renovation.

In today’s world, climate change, pollution, and other environmental problems are quickly becoming relevant. As a result, it is more pressing than ever for everyone to do their part in partaking in green energy practices. Whether that means a family turning the lights off during natural sunlight hours or a business making the switch to clean, renewable energy, everyone can do their part in this global initiative. One school in particular, Acharya Bangalore B-School (ABBS) in Bengaluru, India has done an outstanding job in taking the first step in its mission to go green by installing a series of high-quality solar panels on its rooftops. Through this project, ABBS hopes to inspire its students and the areas around it to do their part in making the world a more eco friendly place.

As for the setup itself, the school elected to use solar power due to the hotter, drier, and sunnier summers that the area of Bengaluru, India continues to face year after year. Through this weather pattern, ABBS hopes to take full advantage of the recent technological advances in the world of solar power. The setup consists of an array of solar panels each with an astounding seventeen percent efficiency, which may not sound impressive, but in reality seventeen percent efficiency outperforms the vast majority of other solar panel set ups. Additionally, the system has a peak capacity of 200kw, ensuring it can take full advantage of the sunny days that grace the land.

Needless to say, this solar panel array will yield countless amounts of sustainable energy for the school, dramatically reducing its carbon footprint. Beyond these direct environmental benefits, however, stand the more subtle benefits for its students. By making a conscious effort towards sustainability, the business school hopes to spark conversation on campus and encourage its students to take sustainable practices with them as they go on to be successful in the business world as the school continues its motto of conserving electricity.

About Acharya Bangalore B-School

ABBS was formed about nine years ago with the goal of combining the best infrastructure with the best facilities to prepare students for the years and careers beyond the school. With multiple accolades from a variety of accreditations ranging from the IACBE to the NBA, ABBS is always one to produce students that go above and beyond.

To learn more visit the ABBS official website.

Ajitesh Basani,

Executive Director

Acharya Bangalore B-School Andrahalli Main Road, Off Magadi Road, Bengaluru 560 091, Karnataka, India

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