Is the BA Journalism course relevant today?
News reporting is one of the most attractive careers youngsters would like to pursue. As digital channels rise, reporters often turn youtubers and create their channels. A degree in Journalism is related to a specialised field. Even if you do not wish to become an active journalist, you can do research and work on facts for news stories.
Yes, getting a BA Journalism degree is quite relevant in today’s era. It opens opportunities and exposes one to the whole planet. Business schools are appealing and permit students who wish to pursue this degree. Bangalore has a few autonomous colleges which can also modify curriculum to suit modern news reporting skills.
Why not choose one of the B Schools in West Bengaluru? Acharya Bangalore Business School (ABBS) has some of the most experienced educators who make this course exciting for students. They will not only equip you with communication skills and give access to online publishing companies, news channels and newspaper publications.
A degree in Journalism is an exciting journey for a young person to develop a serious career. Why would anyone prefer to enrol in one of the best Business Schools near West Bengaluru?
The answer is quite simple. ABBS offers a modern curriculum for students to become full-time journalists in India. If you are a graduate or an UG you are eligible for this program. You will have access to peer collaborations and internships for a practical approach to the intended job.
ABBS offers BA in Journalism/Psychology/ Political Science with necessary visits to the printing press. Hands-on learning experiences allow students to understand better how the fields can be a route to a successful career. As one of the most trustworthy B Schools near West Bengaluru, we aim to offer aspirants more than just MBA programs to specialise in.