Women’s Wing


ABBS has established a Women Cell on campus for women faculty, staff and students.

The wing aims to understand issues relating to women and to make the campus a safe place for them by creating awareness of their rights and duties. The cell organizes and participates in seminars, talks and also takes up women’s issues and problems. It also provides a platform for women to share their experiences and to suggest ways to improve and empower themselves.


Make women leaders in the social and economic spheres.


To stimulate creative thinking by blending traditional with modern values.


  • To create awareness amongst students about the problems faced by women
  • To create an environment of gender justice where men and women work together
  • To create awareness amongst students about the issues related to women and young girls
  • To disseminate knowledge about rights and laws related to women.
  • To create a sense of responsibility in students and have a healthy study and work culture in ABBS
  • To enhance the self-esteem and self-confidence of girl students, women faculty and staff of ABBS
  • To provide opportunities to girl students and women employees to participate in and interact at conferences etc, related to gender issues.

Members of women’s cell

ABBS has constituted the Women’s Cell having a convener, counsellor and members from both teaching and non-teaching staff. The convener is nominated by the Dean and principal of the college while the Counselor is appointed by the College. The external member is nominated by the Women’s Cell. The student members are nominated by the respective course HOD.

Acharya Bangalore B-School Andrahalli Main Road, Off Magadi Road, Bengaluru 560 091, Karnataka, India

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