Caring for students during Covid-19

Caring for students during Covid-19

Caring for students during Covid-19

“The beautiful thing about learning is that no one can take it away from you.” – B.B. King.

If teaching was joy and learning was the paradise, the landscape overturned not long ago with the entry of COVID-19 into our lives. Students could no longer learn, so it seemed as colleges and schools shut down until further notice. Families feared a disease whose nature was not yet determined could impact their young ones more than anyone else.

With the World Health Organization (WHO) and Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) declaring COVID-19 as a pandemic, strict instructions for children and elderly followed as they seemed to be the most susceptible hosts for the disease.

Schools later decided to operate online, and this was when the world realized the importance of differential or restorative care for their students, who were the future for tomorrow. Giving them advice was the next best thing anyone could think of, and often the best way to care for people we care for is through the spread of right words and information.


1) Stick to your routines and follow them diligently

A healthy way can help you more than anything else.


2) Resilience of one’s self should be in prime focus

One must never underestimate what one can achieve through complete faith in one’s resilience.


3) It is healthy to stay informed, but too much intake of media builds up anxiety

Care needs to be taken that too much media build-up can be crippling for the young minds.


4) Find support, communicate and be socially active

Stay close to your friends and family through social media, video calls, and whatever means you can lay your hands on.


5) Relaxation and mindfulness were two essential techniques to be observed regularly.

Listen to anything you can focus on at a particular point of time. Relax your brain, in short, stop creating thought impulses in your brain.


6) Be virtually present in places you would want to visit on regular days.

Visit any place you can be virtually present without having to leave the house.


7) If needed do not shy off from any help required to retain mental strength in times of great need

Seek professional help if you feel emotionally challenged at any point.


8) Look into yourself to find your meaning of life

We all add meaning to this weighty world even with our seemingly meaningless lives which mean we all live up to some meaning. Behold it and try to live it every day.


9) Keep an eye on the financial requirements if you’re a working student

Work extra hours to suffice your needs if you’re working while studying.


10) Build a healthy habit for yourself, something that can add more vigour to your life and living

Routines are good, but experiencing newness can also add vigour to your life.


To conclude, the students need more care, and hence if you care for your students, you can improve their life even in troubled times. Building a healthy habit little by little can go a long way to boost your morale and self-confidence. Try anything you can fulfil within the confines of the walls.

Acharya Bangalore B-School Andrahalli Main Road, Off Magadi Road, Bengaluru 560 091, Karnataka, India

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