PhD in Management

PhD in Management


The MBA Department of ABBS has been recognized by the Bangalore University as PhD Research Centre for their PhD Program in Management vide Letter No: Aca-III/A1/R.C/ABBS/2021-22 Dated: 07-04-2022.

About the Program

The University offers two types of Ph.D. program, i.e., full-time and part-time. The Ph.D program shall be for a minimum duration of three years, including course work and a maximum of six years from the date of provisional registration.

The full-time candidate after completion of a minimum of three years and maximum of five years; and every part-time candidate after completion of minimum of four years and a maximum of six years from the date of Provisional Registration, is eligible to submit the thesis.

The women candidates and research candidates with more than 40% disability may be allowed a relaxation of two years for Ph.D. in the maximum duration. In addition, the women candidates may be provided maternity leave / childcare leave only once in the entire duration of the Ph.D. program for up to a maximum of 240 days, with fees for extension as prescribed by the University from time-to-time.

Part-time to full-time to part-time: With the approval of the Doctoral Committee, a part-time candidate may be permitted to work on full-time basis on valid grounds. Similarly, a full-time candidate may also be permitted to work on part-time basis on valid grounds. The period such registrations shall be three years from the date of changeover or four years from the date of provisional registration, whichever is earlier.

Part-time candidates shall work for at least 120 working days for the entire duration of the Ph.D. Course in the University PG Department / University constituent colleges / recognized research centres of the research supervisor, excluding the period of course work.

Admission to the Ph.D. Programme

The University shall notify well in advance in the University website and through advertisement in a least two national newspapers, of which at least one shall be in the regional language, the number of seats for admission, procedure for admission, examination centre(s) where the entrance test shall be conducted and all other relevant information for the benefit of the candidates.

The admission shall be based on the criteria notified by the University, keeping in view the guidelines / norms in this regard issued by the UGC and other statutory bodies concerned, and taking into account the reservation policy of the Central / State Government from time-to-time.

The eligible candidates shall submit the application in the prescribed format to the Registrar (Evaluation) / Officer designated for the purpose in response to the notification of the University. If any Ph.D. candidate is found to have submitted fake records while securing admission to the Ph.D. course, his / her registration shall stand cancelled without any notice and may also be liable for criminal action as per the guidelines of the University.

The Entrance Test

The University shall admit candidates on the basis of the following procedure:

An Entrance Test shall be conducted in which the candidate should secure minimum qualifying marks of 50% to be eligible for Ph.D. admission. The candidates who secure less than 50% in the entrance test shall not be eligible for inclusion in the consolidated merit list under any circumstance.

The syllabus of the Entrance Test shall consist of 10% questions on research methodology and 90% shall be subject specific. The Entrance Test shall be conducted at the Centre(s) notified in advance by the University.

Maximum marks for Entrance Test: 100.

Nature of questions: Multiple choice questions of two marks each (candidates will have to attempt a total of fifty (50) questions). These shall be prepared in two sets by external experts.

Syllabus for the Entrance Test: Research Methodology and cognate / core subjects of the P.G. courses.

The University shall make necessary arrangements for dispersing suitable remuneration for question paper setting and the conduct of the Ph.D. examination. Duration of Entrance Test: 120 minutes.

All those candidates who take up interdisciplinary topics for research have to compulsorily appear for the entrance test in the concerned Department where the candidate has applied. This is mandatory.

Eligibility Criteria and Nature of Ph.D. Program

A candidate shall work for Ph.D. degree in a subject studied at the Master’s Degree or related subject under a recognized research supervisor. However, a candidate may be allowed to conduct research in a subject other than one chosen for the Master’s Degree, provided it is of an interdisciplinary nature, with the approval of the concerned Board of Studies.

If the research topic is of an interdisciplinary nature, the research supervisor may opt for a co-supervisor (not from the same department) who shall be a recognized research supervisor of the University. However, the candidate shall finalise and submit the thesis through the main research supervisor.

The Pattern of the Course Work

The credit assigned to the Ph.D course work shall be a minimum of 08 credits and maximum of 16 credits as per the university guidelines.

Sl.No Name of the Course Contact Hours/ per Week Exam Hours Maximum Marks Credits
Continuous Assessment Course-End Examination Total
1 Paper-I: Research Methodology 04 03 30 70 100 04
2 Paper–II: Cognate / Core Subject 04 03 30 70 100 04
3 Paper-III: Field of Specialization 04 03 30 70 100 04
4 Paper-IV: Research & Publication Ethics 02 02 15 35 50 02
Total 14 350 14
Viva Voce 50

The course work for Ph.D program shall comprise of three papers of 100 marks each, viz., Paper-I Research Methodology, Paper-II Cognate / Core subjects and Paper-III Field of specialisation. In addition to this, a candidate shall also work to prepare the Research Proposal under the supervision of the research supervisor. There shall also be a comprehensive viva-voce for 50 marks. The internal / continuous assessment will be 30 marks for each paper.


The specialisations are decided by the Doctoral Committee as per the guidelines of the university and based on the expertise of the research supervisors.

Note: The Ph.D. candidates are required to strictly adhere to all the procedures and requirements as prescribed in these regulations. The regulations of university in vogue shall be applicable.

Recognized Research Supervisors by Bangalore University

Sl.No Name of the Faculty Designation
1 Dr.R.Jayanthi Professor
2 Dr.Vijaya Bhaskar K Professor
3 Dr.Sengottuvelu C Professor and Head-Research
4 Dr.Rajesh C Professor
5 Dr.Geevarathna Professor
6 Dr.V.P.Sriram Professor
7 Dr.R.K.Prema Associate Professor

For further details, kindly contact: Dr.C.Sengottuvelu, Head- ABBS Centre for Research and Innovation,
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Acharya Bangalore B-School Andrahalli Main Road, Off Magadi Road, Bengaluru 560 091, Karnataka, India

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