Anti-Sexual Harassment Cell

As per the guidelines of UGC and the Supreme Court an Anti-Sexual Harassment Cell has been established at ABBS to provide a healthy and congenial atmosphere for the staff and students of the College.

The cell has well-developed guidelines and norms for a policy to uphold zero tolerance towards sexual harassment. The college has entrusted the task of developing principles and procedures for combating sexual harassment to this cell. Cell promotes measures aimed at achieving gender equality, removal of gender bias or discrimination, sexual harassment, and other acts of gender-based violence by organizing awareness programs and campaigns for the benefit of all members of the College.


Name Designation
ABBS Principal Principal Chairman
Dr. Jayanthi Professor Convener
Dr. Shobha Rani Professor-Law Member
Dr. Geevarathna Professor Member
Mrs. Madhukala K.L Assistant Professor Member
Ms. Vijaya Shreeram Admissions Department Member


Acharya Bangalore B-School Andrahalli Main Road, Off Magadi Road, Bengaluru 560 091, Karnataka, India

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